Dance, Monkey: Erin JudgeWe put a comic on the hot seat January 22,
2008 5:56:44 PM
Erin Judge
Erin Judge | Comedy Studio, Cambridge | January 24 + February 2 | 617.661.6507
Finish this sentence: Mitt Romney makes me want to . . .
Drink an extra cup of coffee out of spite.
“Subprime” was just named 2007’s word of the year. What’s your prediction for word of the year in 2008?
I’m gonna go with “electability,” because it is a terrible word and also I am already sick of it.
What’s your go-to url for internet shenanigans?
I enjoy But you probably won’t go there, even though I’ve made the effort to let you know about it. I suppose that’s fine, if that’s the kind of person you want to be. I myself choose to live my life differently. Signed, An Irritated Local Comedian.
Shins keyboardist Marty Crandall was recently arrested on charges of domestic violence, though the charges were dropped. We all know that domestic violence is not funny, but something about a smarmy hipster musician trying to throw a punch is. What’s an appropriate punishment for abusive hipster douchebags?
His melancholy little band should have to cover “What’s Love Got To Do with It” for the soundtrack of Judd Apatow’s forthcoming epic Knocked Around: Superbad II, wherein Jonah Hill loves Michael Cera so much, it hurts.
And finally, record your message at the beep. Beep.
Uh, what? Oh, uh . . . Ho! Er, hi! I meant hi! I’m just calling to, you know . . . stuff. God, I sound so dumb. #. #. ###!! Why isn’t this working?!?! I just # # want to # # # re-record!! #! Dammit! # # # # # # #!!!
We put a visiting comic on the hot seat. This week's victim...
We put a visiting comic on the hot seat. This week’s victim . . .
We put visiting comics on the hot seat
We put a visiting comic on the hot seat
Courage vs. abuse
We put a visiting comic on the hot seat
We put a comic on the hot seat
We put a comic on the hot seat
We put a visiting comic on the hot seat
We put a comic on the hot seat
