W e put a visiting comic on the hot seat. T his week’s victim . . .
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN | April 28, 2008
 Eugene Mirman |
Eugene Mirman | “AltCom” at Somerville Theatre, Somerville | May 9 | 617.625.4088 |
What’s the itchiest part of your body?
My mind.Any ideas for the perfect mother’s day gift from Chelsea to Hillary?
Yes. An assassination attempt. It would make her very popular with both blue-collar voters and the wealthy, latte-sipping bisexuals who like Obama.
What’s your strategy for economic reform?
I forget, but I hope it involves strippers.
Thinking; thoughts?
Yes. Lots.
How am I supposed to live without you?
You aren’t. No one is. I am working on a robot that I will transfer my consciousness into at the age of 86.
On the Web
, Eugene Mirman