Josh Gondelman |
Josh Gondelman | Comedy Studio, Cambridge | March 30 | 617.661.6507 |
RachaelRay: adorable peanut, spawn of the devil, or human pod concealing an unidentifiable intergalactic species?
She’s an adorable human pod concealing an unidentifiable intergalactic devil-spawn species of peanut.
Do you honestly, truly believe that the Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nothin’ to fuck with?
In this crazy, mixed-up world, sometimes that’s the only thing I believe. Now that this opinion is in a newspaper, people will finally believe that I like rap music.
You’re known in Boston as the nicest comic in town. When are you going to cut the shit?
Here’s the thing: the niceness is just a front until I get my abs to the point where I can be the comic with Boston’s best abs. Then I won’t need to be nice, because I will dash my enemies to pieces on my abs, like rowboats on rocks.
George W. Bush vetoed the bill that would have forbidden waterboarding as an interrogation tactic. If given the opportunity to interrogate president Bush, what tactic would you use?
It depends. Are you asking me now, or once Operation ABSolute Destruction is complete? If the former, I choose polite passive-aggressiveness. If the latter, I’ll entice him close to my abs, and then, Boom! Pow! To the moon! Can I say that?
- It can happen here
The Minneapolis bridge collapse should be a wake-up call. Plus, a Congressional disgrace.
- The ‘A’ word
Is there one political story the press shouldn’t report?
- America Blows
Since George W. Bush took office, the United States has sunk to unprecedented lows in sports and pop-culture domination
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Lifestyle Features
, George W. Bush
, Rachael Ray
, Wu-Tang Clan
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, George W. Bush
, Rachael Ray
, Wu-Tang Clan
, Entertainment
, Hip-Hop and Rap
, Music
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