EnchantedBetter than generic holiday fare  November 20,
2007 1:38:08 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for Enchanted.
It’s a cute concept. Wicked (cartoon) witch sends adorable fairy-tale princess down a rabbit hole and she’s deposited, suddenly human, in present-day Times Square. The search-and-rescue team from cartoon land includes a dingbat prince charming, a talking chipmunk, and a self-loathing squire. A little like Roger Rabbit, with the self-mocking knowingness of the Shrek franchise, Enchanted is a little better than generic holiday fare. Directed with scant flair by Kevin Lima, it rides on the charm of its actors, particularly Amy Adams as the hapless, homicidally upbeat princess and James Marsden as her would-be prince charming. Marsden, whose chiseled jaw and supermodel cheekbones make him an eerily appropriate choice to play a cartoon prince come to life, has the most fun, portraying his character as a vapid adventurer who expects the world to love him as much as he loves himself. That might be impossible, but you’ll li
ke him at least a little bit. 107 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Suburbs

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Doesn't kick it soon enough
All funked up
Introducing reggaetón
Crass and crude and mostly annoying humor
The legendary playwright is better
Predictability ensues
Oh my god, this movie totally sucks
A miserable family to watch
A familiar girl-power tale

- Ego supersized
- An uncomfortable horror/comedy hybrid
- Delivering the goods, especially if you like to watch a man submerged in acid
- The death of a city
- Reality TV has not killed the video star
- Not original "original" screenplay
- No catharsis here, just soft piano keys
- A $25 million dollar budget and a handheld camera
- A charmer
- Billy the Kid has trouble making it through high school