Alvin and the ChipmunksAll funked up  December 12,
2007 2:38:20 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Depending on when you were born and how much affection you have for a trio of singing rodents, Alvin and the Chipmunks may be a tough sell. A pop-culture sensation in the late ’50s partly because of their weirdness, they need to be handled with whimsy — which is not director Tim Hill’s forte. Also not helping matters are the charmless CGI chipmunks and a strictly-for-the-paycheck performance by Jason Lee as the put-upon Dave Seville, who finds the munks, as they’re sometimes called in this “hip” reinvention, trashing his house in their never-ending quest for food. A legendary musical collaboration ensues, and a gimmick is born, just in time for the holidays. Those who remember it from childhood might be charmed by “The Chipmunk Song,” which appears in the film. Less so the Chipmunk version of “Funky Town.” 91 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Suburbs

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Dutifully soporific
Poignant enough
Agonizingly boring
Doesn't kick it soon enough
Better than generic holiday fare
Introducing reggaetón
Crass and crude and mostly annoying humor
The legendary playwright is better
Predictability ensues

- Nobody knows
- Unforgettable direction
- A bloodless slasher flick
- Sexy but emotionally failing
- A limp comedic effort
- Big screen fairy tale
- Majesty and manure
- Clear and serene
- Hilariously good gorefest
- FirstWorks sends in the puppets