U2 3DEgo supersized January 31,
2008 10:52:06 AM
U2 3D
Bono’s ego supersized on a two-story screen and rendered in looming, larger-than-life 3-D? It’s a role he’s well suited to. “Vertigo” is an apt opener for this stunning piece of filmmaking by Catherine Owens and Mark Pellington. The first-ever live-action 3-D concert movie, it was shot, primarily in Buenos Aires, using nine pairs of state-of-the-art cameras. They swoop and zoom and fade and pan, giving a sense of motion and omnipresence. You feel you’re there — but more so — bobbing and weaving above and around Bono, showman and shaman, the Edge, working his sonic sorcery with a different guitar for nearly every song, stolid Adam Clayton, and Larry Mullen Jr., workmanlike behind his kit. Thundering through 5.1 Surround Sound, the music is incredible. As is the energy of the crowd, a heaving ocean, arms aloft, eyes ecstatic, mouths shouting every word, thousands of glowing cellphones dotting the deep and cavernous gloom. Even better than the real thing? An argument can be made.
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