Chris Brown alive = Michael Jackson dead? Brown's mom tweets "Yes!, wait, No!"

Chris Brown's mom is not doing a dang thing to help her baby boy's
already tarnished reputation. On Tuesday she "accidentally" tweeted
something very incriminating (and frankly nonsensical) that had the
Internet in a big tizzy. Something about the late MJ being the sacrificial lamb/spiritual collateral that allowed Brown to continue to tread the cobbles of Hollywood. Whoops!
Mama Brown (aka Joyce Hawkins) tweeted this seemingly innocuous (or, um, not) line, "Michael Jackson died so that Chris Brown could live!!!," inciting a maelstrom of enraged tweets from people who wanted to know just what the fuck she meant by that. What she meant,
she says, is that Brown was a big fan and stuff. And he is "living" his
life as an artist because Jackson "died" for his own art. Or something a
little less convoluted and broadly offensive. She then promptly deleted the tweet and issued a limp mea culpa to the world at large. It all just begs the
question: is the life of a (purported) sex offender who's also one of
the most talented artists of our time equivalent to the life of a
(confirmed) domestic abuser who's also a totally mediocre artist of our
time? Best not to think too long on these matters.
Bottom line,
people, social media can be seriously bad for your career's health.
(Have we learned nothing from the Courtney Loves and the John Mayers?)
Bottom-er line: Mom's shouldn't be on Twitter. Because the potential for
Mom to embarrass you knows no limit (not even a 140-character one.)