What Would Jesus Buy?Shopocalypse flop  December 12,
2007 2:42:55 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for What Would Jesus Buy?
“Are you people . . . or are you sheeple, led to the shopocalypse?” bellows Reverend Billy (Bill Talen), addressing a Mall of America crowd, backed by his talented Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir. He’s got people’s attention, but is his anti-consumerism message being heard? On a month-long cross-country bus tour during the 2005 Christmas holiday, this bleached-blond prophet spread his gospel from the Big Apple to Disneyland, railing against Americans’ “inability to distinguish between real life and simulated life.” What Would Jesus Buy? makes the same mistake. Not so much a documentary as a stunt, this record of Talen’s travels, directed without irony by Rob VanAlkemade, bears the imprimatur of producer Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me). Who paid for the biofueled bus? The choir? As much as Talen believes his shill, he’s a performance artist posing as a preacher, on a mission conceived with and funded by his producers.

Hollywood teleports to MIT
An 88-minute flop
Lazy, lazy, lazy
Two directers and still unoriginal
An uncomfortable horror/comedy hybrid
An unoriginal technician's piece
The perfect fusion of sound and vision
Genre futility
The deck is stacked
Easy jokes? Absolutely

- Revisit one of the great films about the artistic process
- Seraphim in France
- Poignant enough
- An 88-minute flop
- Ever shirtless, ever silly
- Agonizingly boring
- Tears without embellishment
- Unchallenging and underwhelming
- Contemporary nomads in Mongolia
- Diary of the Dead records it for the Web