Strange WildernessLazy, lazy, lazy  February 6,
2008 12:21:17 PM
HARK! That's Bigfoot behind you.
“We can’t find Bigfoot without a map!” Likewise, you can’t find laughs without jokes. This year-old effort from Adam Sandler’s production company finally sees the light of an empty theater. “Effort” may be a poor choice of word, however, since none seems to have been put into this slapdash stoner comedy written by former Saturday Night Live scribes Peter Gaulke and Fred Wolf and derived from their decade-old parody shorts. Case in point: the movie, directed (if that’s what you can call it) by Wolf, follows the sad attempt by wildlife TV host Peter Gaulke (Steve Zahn) and his soundman, Fred Wolf (Allen Covert), to save their ratings-starved show. That’s right, the duo couldn’t even be bothered to create names for their leads. Gaulke and Wolf (the fictional ones) set off for “Ecuador” (the entire lazy film was shot in Los Angeles), and they find the mythical beast with no problem. Gaulke and Wolf (the actual ones) might have greater difficulty saving their careers. 87 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Circle + suburbs

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