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Ads Classified: New Dodd Ad Up in NH and Edwards Runs Ad, Oddly, in Eugene, Oregon

    The ads are beginning to multiply very early in the campaign. Chris Dodd, looking for a breakthrough, touts his Iraq and global warming credentials in a NH foray, available here. Claiming that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have followed his lead in ending the Iraq War, he says that his global warming plan has the blessing of Al Gore and Bill Bradley and challenges the other candidates to follow his leadership on this issue too.
    It's a decent ad. But the problem for Dodd is that no one is really going to buy his claim that the other candidates are following his lead, especially since John Edwards is the candidate most identified with trying to end the Iraq conflict.
    As to Edwards, his new ad opposing the war is less notable for what it says (which is pretty much what he's said before) than for where he's saying it. Oregon doesn't vote until May and the Democratic voters are centered in Portland, not Eugene, where the ad is running. The guess here is that Edwards simply wants to keep his name out there among the political junkies and antiwar activists and Eugene, an antiwar hotbed, is a very cheap buy.
    It looks like he was successful: After all, we just wrote about it.

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