Meet the Mayor: Tobin Bridge Clusterfuck
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Tobin Bridge Clusterfuck
Jamie Appleton
How did you become mayor of this clusterfuck?
used to travel to Dorchester every day for an internship at the
Franklin Park Zoo, and I had to get over the bridge to get there.
If you saw someone trying to jump off the bridge, what would you say to convince them to step back from that ledge?
I'd tell them it's not worth it. They have a lot more to live for, they just don't see it right now. The future is untold.
Speaking of the future, how much longer do you think it will be before science gives us teleportation?
that's right around the corner because I would really appreciate that. I
was just talking to my friend about teleportation and how nice it would
be if I didn't have to drive anywhere.
Would you be afraid of the teleporter scrambling your DNA?
No. Maybe scrambling my DNA would just make me taller.
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