[activist's notebook] This week in Boston: feminist march follow-up, a screening of "Shift Change", Bikes Not Bombs fundraiser, + more

This week in local activism-related events: Boston Socialist Alternative's follow-up to last week's feminist march, a local screening of a new documentary about worker cooperatives, another screening of Danny Bryck's one-many documentary play about Occupy Boston, and more. Read on for details.
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Wednesday, October 17 @ Encuentro 5: "Fight Rape Culture, Fight Capitalism", 7pm
Boston Socialist Alternative offers a socialist perspective as a follow up to the march against rape culture that Bosotn Feminists for Liberation held last weekend. More info on Facebook or email boston@socialistalternative.org. Encuentro 5 (new location) | 9 Hamilton Place, Suite 2a, Boston
Thursday, October 18 @ Boston University: "The War on Drugs is a War on Everyone"
A panel discussion on the global impact of "the war on drugs" and the various forms of oppression it perpetuates, featuring BU Women's Studies professor Deborah Belle, BU Latin American Cultures professor Peter S. Cahn, psychedelic researcher and founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Rick Doblin, and Black and Pink founder Reverend Jason Lydon. More info on Facebook. BU's Sargent College, room 102 | 635 Comm Ave, Boston

Friday, October 19 @ Boston University: The BU Antiwar Coalition Invites Havaar to discuss War, Sanctions, and Transnational Solidarities, 6-8pm
Havaar is a grassroots group of Iranians, Iranian-Americans and allies who oppose military action and US-led sanctions against Iran. Learn about their solidarity efforts with Iranian people struggling against war and state repression. More info on Facebook. BU's College of Arts and Sciences, 725 Commonwealth Avem, room 522
Friday, October 19 @ Community Church of Boston: No Room for Wishing, 8pm
Danny Bryck's one-man documentary play about Occupy Boston, showing here for one night only, following its run at Central Square Theater. More info on Facebook. Community Church of Boston 565 Boylston St, Boston.
Saturday, October 20 @ MIT: The 2012 LGBTQ Youth Empowerment Conference with Janet Mock, 10am-5pm
A free conference with more than 20 workshops educating and inspiring LGBTQ youth of color under age 25. More info @ hbgc-boston.org. MIT Tang Center Building E-51
SHIFT CHANGE - preview from Mark Dworkin on Vimeo.
Sunday, October 21 @ Northeastern University: screening of "Shift Change: Putting Democracy to Work", 6pm
At Northeastern University, several local organizations are hosting a screening of a new documentary about the potential of worker cooperatives in a time of massive unemployment and economic crisis -- featuring stories from Boston's Equal Exchange and the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation. Followed by a discussion with film makers and local worker cooperatives. More info on Facebook and on shiftchange.org/boston. Northeastern University West Village F, 40 Leon Street
Wednesday, October 24 @ Space with a Soul in the Fort Point Channel area: Bikes Not Bombs’ Second Annual Building Momentum Breakfast, 8-9am
Help raise financial support for Bikes Not Bombs and/or just learn about their community organizing. Enjoy breakfast provided by Ula Café, hear stories from those impacted by BNB, watch a short video. Attendees will be asked to donate but not obligated. Info at bikesnotbombs.org
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