[activist's notebook] This week in Boston: a march against rape culture, animal advocacy 101, #ExposeAIPAC, and more

This week in local activism events: the Boston Feminists for Liberation hold a march against rape culture on Saturday, animal activists also hold two events this weekend, protestors speak out against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's national donors confderence, and more. Read on for details.
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Thursday, October 11 @ Bikes Not Bombs: Everyday Revolutons Tour, 6:30-7:30pm
Perhaps you’ve heard of Bikes Not Bombs, the JP community organization dedicated to powering social change with bicycles. Want to learn more? Stop by one of their one-hour Everyday Revolutions Tours to hear stories from staff and volunteers and get a tour of the space. Plus, you’ll also enjoy a free smoothie made on BNB’s pedal-powered blender.
Bikes Not Bombs | 284 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain | 617 522 0222
Saturday, October 13 @ Boston Common: Boston Feminists for Liberation’s March to End Rape Culture
of feminists will challenge rape culture and intersecting forms of
oppression (racism, classism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism) in a
march and speak out, meeting at the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston
Common at noon. Sign making starts at 11am, march begins at noon,
followed by a feminist general assemby and speak out. Details are on Facebook and the Boston Feminists for Liberation can be reached at bostonfeministsforliberation@gmail.com.
Saturday, October 13 @ Grasshopper Restaurant: “Effective Animal Advocacy 101”, 1pm-2:30pm
As part of a weekend-long program by Farm Sanctuary surrounding the launch of Boston’s Compassionate Communities Campaign, a keynote workshop will be held at Grasshopper in Allston. Learn how to be a more effective advocate for farm animals & how to get involved in vegan advocacy in Boston. Details on Facebook.
Grasshopper Restaurant, 1 North Beacon Street, Allston
Saturday, October 13 & Sunday, October 12: "Expose AIPAC - Money. War. Islamophobia"
In protest of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee national donor's conference at the Boston Seaport Hotel, activists will host a weekend of teaching, learning, exposing and protests. On Saturday, a People's Form at the Palestine Cultural Center in Boston with speakers from Harvard, the National Iranian American Council, MA Rep. Denise Provost, and more. On Sunday, a protest outside the AIPAC National Summit at the Seaport Hotel. Details on ExposeAIPAC.wordpress.com, Facebook and Twitter.
Saturday, October 13 @ TD Garden: Animal rights protest against Ringling Bros Circus
Activists from In Defense of Animals, Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition, and local PETA activists meet in front of the TD Garden (1:00p.m. – 3:15p.m.) to protest the cruel conditions enforced upon elephants in the Ringling Bros. circus. For more info: info@MassAnimalRights.org or ringlingbeatsanimals.com
Saturday, October 13 @ Clark University, Solidarity and Green Economy Conference at Clark University
A one-day conference bringing together activists, organizers, community leaders, entrepreneurs, academics, local government, non-profits, and others who are committed to sustainability. Register online here; details on Facebook, here.
Sunday, October 14 @ Bikes Not Bombs, volunteers needed from 10am-5pm
Bikes Not Bombs is looking for helping loading bikes that will be sent to CESTA in El Salvador -- an environmental adovcacy group that also runs a bike mechanic training for young people.
Bikes Not Bombs | 284 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain | 617 522 0222
Sunday, October 14th @ Copley Square: Occupy Boston’s General Assembly, 4-5pm
See what Occupy Boston has been up to at their monthly GA. OccupyBoston.org
Monday, October 15 @ Libertalia Autonomous Space in Providence, RIL “Reclaiming Pornography One Orgasm at a Time” 7-9pm
A discussion of sex-positive pornography and radical pornography as activism, covering the educational value of queer and alternative porn across diverse bodies, genders, and ethnicities, as well as the concepts of consent and empowerment. Hosted by Madison Young, an award-winning feminist pornographer, performer, educator, and writer. Details on Facebook.
Libertalia Autonomous Space, 280 Broadway Room 200, Providence RI
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