If one
thing really resonates when this many Republicans convene for a
circle jerk, it's what a bunch of fucking losers they are. Not under
the traditional definition; I'm sure that the ex-jocks, cigarette
boat owners, and other Neanderthals inside of the Tampa Bay Times
Forum think they're pretty sweet, and have spent much of their lives
maligning those who are socially awkward yet smart, kind, and
hilarious. Rather I'm talking about how the overwhelming majority of
GOP drones lack any real sense of humor or creative gusto; for proof
of this, one needs to simply think of how many ace comedians or
musical performers play for the red team. With that and the sad, sad
convention performance by Three Doors Down in mind, I thought it
could be fun to juxtapose what was happening inside of the Forum
yesterday with what was popping outside. I don't know about you, but
I'd rather laugh with Occupiers than cry with the taints.
Outside of the hall, protesters were fighting against voter suppression, and outfitting statues in their likeness...

Inside of the hall, Republicans were practicing voter suppression by replacing Ron Paul delegates with those who support the statue nominee...

Outside of the hall, everybody's favorite friendly anarchist Vermin Supreme had a bullhorn...

Inside of the hall, people cheered on a whole bunch of bullshit...

Outside of the hall, activists rejected capitalism...

Inside of the hall, people loaded up on junk to store in the back of their closets...
Outside of the hall, the Clandestine Clown Counterterrorism Unit wore silly hats...

Inside of the hall, the Not-So-Clandestine Clown Counteractivism Unit wore even sillier hats...

Outside of the hall, it was kind of like the Wild West...

Inside of the hall, I spied an even wilder West...

Outside of the hall, people celebrated their individual independence...

Inside of the hall, folks registered into a database in the name of "Independence"...

Outside of the hall, people had some incredibly funny signs...

Inside of the hall, their signs came from god...

Of course, there were some opportunities outside to get a whiff of what was cooking on the inside.