A Fowl Taste: Chick-Fil-A enrages Mumbles, Muppets, Sally Jessy Raphael

Like an unsettling seasoning, unsavory politics seems to be seeping into our food lately. Not even a month after Kraft kicked off an Oreo boycott, Chick-Fil-A's president Dan Brown owned up to his anti-gay stance ("guilty as charged"), igniting a firestorm of controversy.
And Mayor Menino, for one, isn't having any of it. On Friday, Menino announced his intentions to ban the business from the Hub, telling the Herald, "You can't have a business in the city of Boston that
discriminates against a population." (The chicken peddlers had supposedly been eyeing the soon-to-be-vacant Purple Shamrock spot near Faneuil Hall.) But Menino isn't the only one with ruffled feathers. The Jim Henson
Company (makers of Muppets) have also avowed to sever all future ties to Chick-Fil-A. This summer, the two teamed up to feature
Henson's Creature Shop toys in Chick-Fil-A kids' meals, but in light of Brown's confession, the Henson Co. posted on Facebook: "our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has
directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-Fil-A to GLAAD."
But what did the Twittersphere have to say? Plenty:
[View the story "Reactions to Chick-Fil-A anti-gay statements" on Storify]