
VIDEO: MBTA Silver Line driver caught unleashing F-bomb tirade on D Street motorist


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If you've ever wanted to send your parents a clip that explains what Masshole road-rage is really like, scroll down: have we got a YouTube video for you. 

For this we have the City Desk at the Metro to thank. Last week, a concerned citizen sent the Metro a recording of what was described as an MBTA Silver Line driver going apeshit at a driver who'd stopped a car in front of the driver's bus. And let us just say: this clip makes the St. Paddy's episode of Real Housewives of South Boston sound like a Julianne Moore episode of 30 Rock

The Metro then attempted to verify the legitimacy of the clip, and got an "only-in-Boston" reply from the T: the MBTA said the driver "did not deny" the allegations, and then submitted video of the bus at the time the audio was recorded to show what the driver was responding to. 

Meaning: the MBTA assumed that any Charlie-card-carrying Masshole worth his shamrock tattoo would take one look at the moron obstructing the Silver Line and conclude that the bus driver was well within his rights to begin screaming, "HEY, FAHK YOU, YOU MUTHAFUCKA!"

That's not, of course, what the MBTA actually said. What they said was that the driver's conduct was "entirely inappropriate" and that he would be disciplined. 

But now that the Metro has done a YouTube mashup by layering the audio recorded by the bus passenger over the video provided by the MBTA, you know what we're all thinking about the motorist blocking the Silver Line. 

C'mon, guy: you had it coming. 

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