PHOTOS: Scenes from the NH primaries, starring Romney, Santorum, Occupy, Vermin Supreme, and Callista Gingrich's hair
This weekend, while the entire Granite State was gripped with #FITN fever, our operatives leapt into the fray -- even infiltrating the Newt Gingrich phone bank -- to bring you only the finest in Robitussin-splashed gonzo campaign-trail journalism. No Vermin Supreme antic has gone unnoticed, no Santorum joke unmade. And if you wished you could see what it looks like when Occupy stages a farce wedding to Bank of America, we've got you covered. Below, find links to our NH Primaries photo galleries.

Friday, January 6th, 2012
Rick Santorum flashes us his best "deer in the headlights" look.
PHOTOS:"Ron Paul and Rick Santorum speak to packed houses," by Jeremiah Robinson

Saturday, January 7th, 2012:
Every Vermin has his day.
PHOTOS: "Occupy the Primaries, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and love from Vermin Supreme," by Jeremiah Robinson and Ariel Shearer

Sunday, January 8th, 2012
Newt Gingrich gets ready to speak; Callista and her fearsome hair-helmet loom up ahead.
PHOTOS: "Occupy the Primaries continues, Gringrich speaks, and Supreme supporters look on," by Jeremiah Robinson and Ariel Shearer
We're closing in on the end here, folks, but the 2012 #FITN Primaries madness is far from over. Stay tuned.