#OccupyBoston Women's March set for this Sunday

The Women's Caucus of Occupy Boston -- a group of women-identified occupiers and allies working against patriarchy and sexism in the Occupy Movement -- will march this Sunday from 12 to 2 PM. The march will address the safety of women within the Occupy Movement and the ways that economic injustice disproportionately affects women, as well as health care, housing, education, reproductive rights, LGBT rights, the
right to paid parental leave, universal health care, and other related
issues. Sunday's march will start and end at Dewey Square, followed by two hours of music and spoken word performances.
The official mission of the Women's Caucus is to provide "a
forum for women-identified participants to discuss issues of gender,
promote participation of those who identify as women in working groups,
discussions, and other leadership roles, maintain the safety of those
who identify as women within the camp and movement, and provide
resources to improve the retention of participants who identify as
women." While meetings of the Women's Caucus are currently open only to women-identified participants, male allies are welcome at Sunday's march and this Saturday's @OBWomen meeting at Copley Square.
The Women's Caucus of Occupy Boston is open to all women -- even those who do not camp at Dewey Square. Interested women can attend semiweekly meetings (every Tuesday at 5:30 PM and Saturday at 3:30 PM) and sign up for the group's highly-active email list-serve.
Occupy Boston's women's group is part of an international feminist conversation surrounding the Occupy Movement at large. Other groups striving to create safe spaces for women in the movement include WOW (Women Occuping Wall Street), Feminists Unite for Occupy Chicago, Feminists Occupy London, Women Occupants of Occupy Philadelphia, and several others.
Follow feminists occupying Boston via @OBWomen and feminists occupying everywhere via @WomenOccupy.