Activists transform Boston bus shelters into foreclosed homes in lead-up to MASS ACTION against BoA

As chronicled in today's Boston Phoenix, the organizers at MassUniting - along with activists from a number of other groups - have been ramping up their artful and aggressive actions in the lead-up to tomorrow's BIG RALLY (which starts at 2pm at the Boston Common gazebo/bandstand).
What wasn't mentioned in that article, but that went down this morning, are the kickass visuals that local artists have contributed to bring this message to the streets. To raise awareness about the havoc that Bank of America has wreaked on Greater Boston families, today they outfitted bus shelters across the Hub like abandoned homes (locations below).

From MassUniting:
Concerned citizens launched a city-wide “art attack” in Boston today, converting a host of bus shelters into Bank of America foreclosures to showcase the devastating results of the financial giant’s predatory practices. Life-size images of boarded houses, squatter occupied bedrooms and empty nurseries now dot high-traffic areas from Hyde Park to Revere – including many of the communities hardest hit by foreclosure and eviction. Each installation includes a large realty sign reading “This foreclosure brought to you by Bank of America.”

Brookline – Intersection of Brookline and Longwood
Cambridge – Massachusetts Ave at Dawes Island
Chelsea – Chelsea City Hall
Dorchester – Outside of JFK/UMASS T Station
Financial District – Intersection of Court, State and Washington (near Citizens Bank)
Franklin Park Zoo – Intersection of Columbia and Blue Hill
Hyde Park – Cleary Square (Opposite police station)
Revere – Revere City Hall
Medford – Medford Senior Center
Mission Hill – Huntington Ave & Parker Hill
Roxbury – Intersection of Tremont, Malcolm X and Columbus
South Boston – Intersection of E. Concord and Albany
Waterfront/South Boston – Outside of South Station