Museum of Fine Arts
broke doesn't have to be boring. Check out these events free of charge.
Did we miss something? Post the details of your free event in the comments below. You can
also tweet at or message @BostonFunShit, our new events Twitter feed.
Douglas Starr | The
Killer of Little Shepherds reading and discussion | Brookline Booksmith,
279 Harvard St, Brookline | October 7 @ 7 pm | 617.566.6660
or brooklinebooksmith.com
"Who is Winning the Child Obesity Battle?" | Ford Hall Forum with doctors and
experts | Suffolk
University, C. Walsh
Theater, 55 Temple St,
Boston | October 7 @ 6:30 pm | fordhallforum.org
Honk! Festival | Celebration of music and social
activism with a parade, a photo exhibit, tons of free performances, and a final
blow-out at Somerville Theatre | In and around Davis Square, Somerville,
and Harvard Square, Cambridge | October 8-10 | 617.383.HONK or
Dance in the Fells | Five-hour
dance festival with 32 dancers celebrating the natural world, produced by Kyna
Hamill and Wanda Strukus | Middlesex Fells Reservation, South Border Rd, Winchester
| October 9: 1-6 pm | //tworoads.org
MFA Fall Open House | Performances
by Anikai Dance, short films, and family activities | Museum of Fine Arts,
465 Huntington Ave, Boston | October 11: 10 am-4:45 pm |
617.267.6008 or mfa.org
Brock Clarke | Exley
reading and discussion | Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline
| October 12 @ 7 pm | 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com
Paul Harding
| Tinkers reading and signing | Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge
| October 12 @ 7 pm | 617.489.0519
"Stanley Cavell and Literary Studies: Consequences of Skepticism" | Celebration
of Cavell's new autobiography | Harvard
University, Fong Auditorium, Boylston
Hall, Cambridge
| October 14 @ 6:30 pm | tinyurl.com/Cavell-Conference