Meet the Mayor: The Boston Cat Hospital
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

The Boston Cat Hospital
How did
you become mayor of the kitty hospital?
We took our cat in for a lot of tests and treatments to
find out what was wrong with her. They put her on a steroid, and now she's all
better. She had some kind of digestive issue. When we got our tax return this
year, we said, "We should figure out what's wrong with our cat, rather than go
to Foxwoods."
But then
you could've won more money.
Right. And we could have cloned the cat and had her
But the
clone would've had the same digestive problem.
Actually, I just want my cats to live forever. I don't
really want to change them. I just wish we could replace all their parts with
cyber parts, so they would never die.
But then
they'd outlive you.
No, because I would get the same thing. I'm sure once
the treatment is available, humans would get it first, right? You should ask a
question about roid rage, because that's all we joke about now that our cat is
all juiced up.
Um . . . Does your cat beat you?
She's here. I can't say anything.
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