Better Late than Never, Bill: Clinton stumps for Frank and Grossman

there any scenario in which a co-sign from a former President can do
more to hurt a candidate than help? Unless his last name happens to
rhyme with ‘mush', the answer would seemingly be no. And if that former
Commander in Chief even goes as far as coming out to show support at a
rally in your backyard? You'd really have to go above and beyond the
call of ineptitude to fuck that up.
while I'm going to refrain from labeling Bill Clinton's appearance at
Sunday's Barney Frank rally a failure, it certainly didn't pack the game- leveling potential it should've heading into his showdown with Sean
the assembly of bleeding-heart liberals crammed into the Taunton High
gymnasium would've still been among the first in line when the polls open on Nov. 2, even if Clinton hadn't showed at all. But still, keeping an audience of
2,000 on hold for over two hours, on a Sunday, during Patriots season?
Not a good look, Barney.
stall tactics got underway when word started to spread that Clinton had
left his stump stop in Connecticut for US Senate candidate Richard
Blumenthal around the same time they started letting people enter the
gym. This made for a a solid chunk of time to be filled by screamy local
politicians, hypemen handing out lawn signs, and the high school's jazz
and choral ensembles.
much credit is due to those musical outfits for both their talent and
timeliness. If there was ever an occasion to unleash a medley of Blues
Brothers' songs, it was for this event, which hilariously
(ironically?) called to mind the scene from the movie where the band is
forced kill time when Jake and Elwood's car runs out of gas on the way
to the big gig.
not too long after Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" was given its third
go-round, Taunton Mayor Charles Crowley introduced the dynamic duo.
Never the sharpest public orator in the shed, Frank was quick to hand
the mic off to Clinton, much to the relief of those who were chomping at
the bit to hoist their recently acquired signs.

there wouldn't be too many more opportunities for raucous cheer as
Clinton pretty much kept the applause baiting flourishes to a minimum,
surprising considering his known reputation as a schmoozer. There was an
air of solemn combativeness to his speech, perhaps in retaliation to
the burgeoning wave of support for Bielat, who was simultaneously
holding his own impromptu rally across town to combat the Clinton
this election, Republicans are hoping for anger, apathy, and a dose of
amnesia regarding how our country ended up here," said Clinton in his
plea for at least two more years of left-trending government to offset
the turmoil levied by eight years under Bush. "This election is not a
referendum on anger. It's a choice between two candidates."
were a lot of numbers bandied about, from 3 trillion (the debt we face)
to 21 (the months Obama has had to dig us out of this debt) to 8 (the
length of time between finding a fresh source of jobs in order to keep
our economy afloat).
as soon as Clinton exited the stage, there was 45 (the minutes it took
me to get from Taunton to the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, for Clinton's
appearance at treasurer candidate Steve Grossman's fundraiser).
arriving just ahead of the guest of honor, I was spared another
two-hour wait. And I was glad to have made the excursion, if for no
other reason than getting a glimpse of a more colloquial Clinton
afforded by the room's intimate quarters and his history with Grossman,
who served as head of the democratic party when Clinton took office in
campaign is about the state's money, not about witchcraft or
wrestling," said Clinton, simultaneously taking a jab at US Senate
candidates Christine O'Donnell and Linda McMahon, and giving us a little
taste of the Bill we all know and love -- on time with the biting
punchlines regardless of how late to the party he is.