HighSpace: social networking for stoners (and perhaps some more adventurous Yelpers)

Forget four-square. In fact, forget Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Friendster
(does that even still exist?) and every other Internet time-suck you
spend the bulk of your work day (ahem, er, weekend) perusing. Some enterprising marijuana-gourmand found a moment for some good-old fashioned
productivity (hear that, naysayers?) in the midst of all that toking and
created this site. Leaf.ly is sort of like Foursquare for potheads. The home page is fashioned to look quite a bit like the social city guide's, which might render it NSFW (though we're not making any promises) and it is just as easy to navigate.
the premise: Just as you'd log on to Foursquare or Yelp to find the
best restaurant in the area to suit your culinary desires, users can log
on to Leaf.ly to check out what strains and varieties of weed are best
suited to their own personal highs. Clever, no? We explored the site
(strictly in the name of journalistic pursuits, of course) and found out
there are a whole lot of different factors that go into picking the
right variety of the sticky icky. Turns out it's a bit more intensive
than asking your friend Dave to ask his friend whose name you can never
remember if he can score you some of whatever he's got rolling around in
the glove compartment of his Yaris. For one example.
Users can
browse by "Effect" (drowsy, giggly, tingly, hungry, etc;) "Medical Use"
(anxiety, stress, lack of appetite, even PMS) or desired "Activity"
(going to a party, exploring the great outdoors, meditating, creating
art, and more.) Select your criteria and a whole world of options unfolds.
Varieties of the herbal remedy range from "Ed Rosenthal the Super Bud"
to "Romping Goddess" to "Super Sour Diesel"...all of which have been
sorted by overall user rating (10 being the highest) as well as effects
and best situational usage. This shit is organized. And helpful. What's
more, active Leaf.ly users can earn "badges" and other such social media
accouterments for completing different weed-inspired activities and
trying different strains. It's like becoming the foursquare "Mayor" of
that divey pizza place on your corner...but more fun.