The Where's Whitey Award for Best Animal Performance, 2012
I'm running a bit late with this. Like a month.The winner will be decided by February10 and be presented on that date at the Boston Society of Film Critcs Award Ceremony at the Brattle Theatre. Send in your votes now!
The Alpha Wolf in "The
Iggy, the Iguana in Jafar Panahi "This is Not a Film"

I know what you're saying -- we had iguanas a couple of years ago
for "Bad Lieutenant." But this one is special because I think it is clearly a
stand-in for Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad.

The aurochs in "Beasts
of the Southern Wild."

Last year we had the first
extinct nominee with the dinosaur in "Tree of Life." This year I'm proud to say
we have two. Joining the aurochs is...
The Tasmanian Tiger in "The Hunter."

Snoopy in "Moonrise Kingdom"

The persistent pigeon in "Amour"
Well, here the pigeon has just flown away. Come to think of it, the scene may be an
allusion to Woody Allen's "Stardust Memories," where Woody shoos away "the rat with wings." Just another instance of Michael Haneke's wacky sense of humor.The stuffed dog in "The Queen of Versailles"
The Shih Tzu Bonnie in "Seven Psychopaths"
Vote or Christopher Walken will kill that dog.