See this film: Follow the Honey @ the Inn at Harvard

We usually think of the NATO mission in Afghanistan
in terms of death and destruction, but Karen Koch's documentary Follow the Honey offers a different perspective. She and
her crew follow a National Guard unit from its training in New
Mexico to its deployment near the Afghan town of Gardez. Their mission? Save the bees and
restore the honey industry, nearly extinct after decades of warfare. She'll be
screening a rough cut of the film at the Inn
at Harvard (1201 Mass Ave)
in Harvard Square,
as part of the local celebration of National Honeybee Day. The activities
will also include the opening of an all-honey artisanal shop (also called
Follow the Honey), across the street from the screening on Saturday, August 20 at 1132 Mass Ave, Cambridge
| free | 617.686.1469.