Report: ManRay approved for former Blockbuster lot in Central Square; here are 10 club ads from the '80s and '90s

Another day, another step closer to the return of alt-underground nightclub MANRAY. The Cambridge Licensing Commission voted unanimously last night "to approve owner Donald Holland’s application for a change of location from 21 Brookline St., where ManRay first opened as a gay club... to 541 Massachusetts Ave., just a 10th of a mile from the old haunt," according to a report from GateHouse News Service this morning.
The new space, in the former Blockbuster Video lot, would hold roughly 250 people, and feature 79 seats for a required restaurant space. Last month, we poked fun at the idea of a ManRay Cafe by suggesting potential menu items. Among our favorites from readers were Clams of Xymox, Sushi Sioux, Rosetta Stone Crabs, Bela Lugosi's Bread, Soy Division, and a bunch of other Dark Entrees.
But this latest news, coming less than a fortnight after a ManRay "reunion" party planned for Brighton Music Hall was upgraded to the much-larger Paradise Rock Club (capacity: 933) due to overwhelming ticket demand, seems pretty serious. Sources tell The Phoenix today that there are still several "remaining obstacles" in the way before the space can open, including additional licensing hearings (Alcohol and Beverage Commission) and significant renovations.
But the plan is in motion for a potential fall 2013 opening, and we hear that while Holland has been handling the licensing, legendary ManRay DJ Chris Ewen has been part of the entire process and will hold court in the booth if and when the room re-opens. Ewen currently DJs the "Heroes" new wave dance party every Saturday night at T.T. The Bear's Place, located across the street from the old (and now presumably haunted) ManRay building, which now stands as an eyesore condo complex.
:: VIEW: ManRay Reunion @ the Paradise, February 1, 2013 by Derek Kouyoumjian ::
To celebrate all this, and the vibe that after years of rumors this resurrection will actually happen, we unearthed ten '80s and '90s ManRay ads from the pages of the Boston Phoenix. We'll post some more after we find them. We're still on the lookout for a ManRay ad from April 1990 that lists the legendary Nirvana show.
Up there on top is a shot of Ewen from our 1991 Fall Band Guide.
June 1, 1986

August 5, 1986

October 23, 1987

August 12, 1988

August 26, 1988

January 26, 1990

June 8, 1990

September 13, 1991

July 15, 1994

September 22, 1995