[boston music awards] Live stream tonight's Maven's Choice party @ Redstar

The RSVP list for tonight's Boston Music Awards Maven's Choice party at Redstar is jam-effin'-packed. The Kendall Square, Cambridge, show space is pretty intimate, with a capacity that falls under a hondo, and with three awesome bands on the agenda -- MELLOW BRAVO, BEARSTRONAUT, and my selection, FAT CREEPS -- the guest list was bound to fill up fast. Hell if this show was at the Mid East Up it'd be a sardine squeeze.
But don't sweat it, yo. Redstar has all its bases covered and will be live streaming the event to anyone who either can't get in or would rather watch and hear three of Boston's finest acts while wearing their buffalo-sauce-stained Patriots pajama pants.
Things will start up around 8:30, and you can catch the show through the video portal below, or via redstarunion.com.