Ticket on-sale alert: Kings of Leon, Street Dogs, Lewis Black, Oliver Sacks, and more

Kings of Leon
On sale Friday, October 1
Chucho Valdes with the Afro-Cuban Messengers | October 28 at the Berklee
Performance Center,
Boston | $46.25-$56.25
| On sale at 10 am via ticketmaster.com
Lewis Black |
December 5 at Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell | $45-$65 | On sale at 10
am via lowellauditorium.com
Ghostland Observatory | December 15 at Royale, Boston | $27.80 | On sale at noon via
On sale Saturday, October 2
Kings of Leon | November 14 at the TD Garden, Boston | $45-$59.50 | On sale at 10 am via
Street Dogs | December 17 and 18 at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston | $22.50 | On sale
at noon via ticketmaster.com
On sale Monday, October 4
Oliver Sacks | October 28 at the First Unitarian Church, Cambridge | $5 | On sale at 10 am via harvard.com