MP3 of the Week: Doomriders, "Come Alive"

Like Motörhead before them, DOOMRIDERS live up to their name: they sound fucking evil. They’re one of the few side projects whose careers might actually be impeded, rather than enhanced, by the main-band association: their new Darkness Come Alive (Deathwish, Inc.) is even more accessible than Converge’s new Axe To Fall. What’s more, they might have proved a better fit for a tour with Mastodon — whose influence comes rumbling through next-level thrash epics like “Heavy Lies the Crown” — and they certainly won’t be touring until Nate Newton gets back. And though Doomriders already have a Danzig cover in their catalogue, their infernally catchy “Come Alive” proves they can write Danzig songs — better than Glenn, even. Download the track below (right click and save as), and wear your Doomriders skull T proudly at the House of Blues’ Mastodon/High on Fire/Converge shows October 27-28.
DOWNLOAD: Doomriders, "Come Alive" (mp3)
UPDATE! Ask and ye shall receive: Doomriders today announced a post-Christmas mini-tour with doom-metal lifers Clutch, including a New Years' Eve-Eve gig at the House of Blues:
12/27: Charlotte, NC @ Amos
Southend w/ Clutch
12/28: Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club w/
12/29: Albany, NY @ Nothern Lights w/
12/30: Boston, MA @ House Of Blues w/
12/31: Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom w/ Clutch