Mp3 of the Week: Heatseeker

Caleb: not fucking afraid of those other heatseakers.
DOWNLOAD: Heatseeker, "Heavy With Shadows" (mp3)
If you ever wondered why Cave-In never sounded the same way twice, take a listen to what its members have released since the breakup: it's a minor miracle these guys ever agreed on anything. Steve Brodsky has pursued his fascinations with classic rock, art-pop, and pyschedelia through three band names (and has another solo joint, The Black Album Award, due this summer). Guitarist Adam McGrath is preparing to release We Are Above You, the second disc by his stoner-metal assault vehicle Clouds. Now bassist Caleb Scofield is unveiling the face-melting, self-titled debut by Heatseeker, the most knee-buckling-heavy record to come out of the Cave-In camp yet. No surprise there: Scofield was Cave-In's designated screamer -- the Newsted to Brodsky's Hetfield -- and Heatseeker is an hour's worth of maximum doomriding, even scarier than Scofield's previous outings with Zozobra and Old Man Gloom. If you were That Guy at Cave In shows yelling for "Crossbearer," here's the proverbial metal shiv up your butt. Translation for the unconverted: this record fucking rules.
Indie-metal geeks will want to note that the album was recorded by Isis's Aaron Harris, who also played drums on it. If we told you the size of the room this behemoth of an album was recorded in, you wouldn't believe us.
Coincidentally, Caleb just moved back to Boston last week with his wife and child -- which means that, for the first time in, like, a long fucking time, all of Cave-In's members are back living in the same city. We have it on good authority that Brodsky just delivered a whopping four discs worth of Cave In rarities to Hydrahead -- supposedly to be whittled down for a future release -- so allow us to be the first to start the reunion rumors: Cave-In's getting back together! Cave-In's getting back together! Well, not really. But maybe. Who knows? In the meantime, keep an eye out for the Heatseeker record in July.
[Um, this is awkward silence where the band links would usually be. Except that we're leaking this so early, Heatseeker doesn't even have a MySpace page yet. And, um, Hydrahead doesn't have a page for them yet either. But maybe they will soon.]