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WWJD? Or, predict Severin's back-to-broadcasting shtick!

WWJD? Or, predict Severin's back-to-broadcasting shtick!
Like you, I'm eager to see how Jay Severin handles himself when he returns to the WTKK-FM airwaves tomorrow. He's got a tricky task ahead of him, that's for sure. On the one hand, Severin needs to show his bosses that he can, in fact, be "...
by Adam Reilly | Jun 01, 2009 | with 1 comment(s)

Severin: not a border-enforcement martyr

Severin: not a border-enforcement martyr
When I blogged last week on anti-Mexican hatemonger Jay Severin’s recent, ill-explained suspension from WTKK-FM --a suspension that remains in effect as of this writing--a host of Severin defenders weighed in with comments. One of their favorite claims...
by Adam Reilly | May 06, 2009 | with 2 comment(s)

Recommended reading: Lehigh on Severin

Recommended reading: Lehigh on Severin
Whatever you're doing right now, stop for a moment and read Scot Lehigh's pitch-perfect takedown of Jay Severin. It tells you everything you need to know about the WTKK host and his recent suspension. It's also Lehigh at his best.
by Adam Reilly | May 01, 2009 | with 3 comment(s)

DQM does BTP

DQM does BTP
Friday night plans? Not too late to change 'em! I'll be on the weekly " Beat the Press " segment of Greater Boston tonight, discussing the latest Globe funkiness ; coverage of killer swine flu and the related suspension of world-class...
by Adam Reilly | May 01, 2009 | with no comments

Jay Severin's double secret suspension

Jay Severin's double secret suspension reports that boundary-pushing WTKK-FM host Jay Severin has been suspended for some deragatory commentary involving Mexicans and the swine flu. But the story doesn't say what those comments were. Don't blame reporter David Abel. I tried...
by Adam Reilly | Apr 30, 2009 | with 46 comment(s)

Jay Severin, talking shit and covering his ass

Jay Severin, talking shit and covering his ass
Here's the truth-challenged WTKK host working to simultaneously A) whip up extreme anti-Obama sentiment and B) insert enough disclaimers that he won't get in trouble if anyone acts accordingly: You have a job and I do too. My job, with your help...
by Adam Reilly | Oct 09, 2008 | with 23 comment(s)

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