The Hottie and the NottieTotal makeover madness  February 6,
2008 12:13:10 PM
Paris Hilton and Joel David Moore
It’s a shame you can’t auto-tune acting talent the same way you can manufacture vocals in the recording studio — director Tom Putnam might have been able to get Paris Hilton to come across as something other than a caricature of herself. “The hotness of one girl is directly proportional to the ugliness of her best friend”: therein lies the concept — it doesn’t get any deeper than that — of The Hottie and the Nottie. Christabel (Hilton) refuses to hook up with anyone until her fugly BFF June (Christine Larkin) has “someone special in her life.” Christabel’s grade-school stalker, Nate Cooper (Joel David Moore), is, no surprise, up to the challenge. Total Makeover Madness ensues, and, uh, life lessons about inner beauty are revealed. Still, the most OMG thing about this film isn’t that the Nottie might not turn out to be a Hottie after all (duh), or that the cast actually manages to squeeze some funny out of a shitty script, but rather that Hilton is somehow credited as an executive producer. 91 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Circle/Chestnut Hill + suburbs

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