DuckA beguiling and disappointing debut  August 22,
2007 2:22:00 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for Duck.
In Nicole Bettauer’s beguiling, disappointing feature debut, Arthur (Philip Baker Hall) wanders a desolate LA with his pet duck trying to help people. The year is 2009, Jeb Bush is president, and with pensions and Social Security gone, Arthur has nowhere to turn. Bettauer shows a sharp understanding of our nation’s moral fall over the last 10 years and where that might lead us, but her simplistic portrayal of Arthur as innocent martyr undercuts the worthy theme. A character that represents the last moral voice in a world corrupted by the Bush ethos shouldn’t be reduced to a cliché. Hall does his best, spouting out Bettauer’s laconic one-liners and looking absurdly hopeful, but it’s all he’s given to do. Maybe Bettauer feared that a more complex character would distract the audience from her vision of the world headed by yet another Bush. Hall, who musters up so much emotion within a narrow role, deserves better, though the Aflac duck is all he’s quacked up to be.

- Comic timing
- Lessons from the build-them-up, tear-them-down Boston firefighter backlash
- Archaic laws are often funny, but they’re no laughing matter
- Evangelicals are speaking in bubbles — and fighting God’s war on pop culture
- Obama can still win the Democratic nomination — but first, he has to get over himself
- These guys couldn't turn on a radio
- Lessons from the build-them-up, tear-them-down Boston firefighter backlash
- Why steroids, spying, and all those other sports scandals are actually good for fans
- Evangelicals are speaking in bubbles — and fighting God’s war on pop culture
- Zeitgeist’s compelling Kentucky Cycle; Double Edge’s Republic of Dreams
- Jonathan McPhee and the Longwood Symphony perform Beethoven's Ninth
- If you want to lose the ‘fright wig,’ try ditching your shampoo
A same-sex Harold and Maude
A warm and fuzzy film
Get out of the theatre with your bad self!

- A layered art-world exploitation
- Introducing reggaetón
- Gritty, macho, and lacking in grace
- Elizabeth: The Golden Age is leaden
- Homosexuality in the Bible
- Vaseline and sock monkeys
- A smirky and sore temptation
- A documentary of differences
- Darjeeling is limited but rewarding
- Clooney cleans up as Michael Clayton