UnderdogLacking the orginal bite  August 7,
2007 12:39:01 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for Underdog.
Disney’s live-action send-up of the campy ’60s cartoon loses far too much of the original’s bite to beg comparison. To compensate, director Frederik Du Chau (Racing Stripes) and the team of writers toss in a myriad of maudlin human underdog stories, with Jack (Alex Neuberger), a motherless boy, coming to terms with his grief and with his difficult father, Dan (James Belushi), a former cop slumming it as a security guard. They take in the bolstered beagle, who’s newly escaped from the lab of a mad scientist (Peter Dinklage hamming it up appropriately), and find cause for self-discovery and healing. The film is at its best, of course, when the caped canine is bolting around thwarting crime, but that comes late, and the FX are underachievers. More troubling is the casting of Jason Lee as Shoeshine/Underdog’s voice. The My Name Is Earl star sounds scruffy enough, but it just doesn’t fit. No savior here, just a tired retread.
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Another Martin Lawrence shtick
A chilling gangland epic
A grand idea
A step ahead of the rest
A rich kid on the road to comeuppance
Ever shirtless, ever silly
Oodles of fun
Inadvertent camp
No pulse
A humorless turd

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