Wild HogsRunning on empty  February 28,
2007 5:30:17 PM
NO RULES: for John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, Tim Allen, and William H. Macy.
Four suburban males in the throes of midlife crisis decide the remedy is to don leather, saddle a Harley, and cruise across the county — with no rules. That’s the excuse, anyway, for John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, Tim Allen, and William H. Macy to hook up, ham it up and spark a few laughs. The four venerable actors have a good time, though their uneasy-rider shtick runs out of gas too soon and it’s up to Ray Liotta’s pissed-off biker boss (shades of Something Wild) to give the movie torque. Marisa Tomei adds some spice as the object of desire in the sleepy Southwestern sticks, and John C. McGinley is the scariest thing on the interstate as a trooper with a zest for S&M and all-male cuddle parties. But it’s a bumpy ride; TV writer Brad Copeland and director Walt Becker (Van Wilder) rev up the gags until their gears are stripped. Instead of opening up the throttle, Hogs ends up idling and spreading exhaust.
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- The first political leader of my generation acts nothing like the rest of us — which might be how he’s gotten where he is
Another Martin Lawrence shtick
A chilling gangland epic
A grand idea
A step ahead of the rest
A rich kid on the road to comeuppance
Ever shirtless, ever silly
Oodles of fun
Inadvertent camp
No pulse
A humorless turd

- Artfully done soap opera
- Courage and naïveté
- Art vis-à-vis life
- The world of half-baked ideas
- A Karate Kid ripoff
- Far out "history"
- Good-natured, egalitarian, and mildly stupid
- Van Sant takes time for a ride in Paranoid Park
- Another Martin Lawrence shtick
- Not worth the Oscar