It's easy for Portland to get behind an act as well-put-together as Lady Lamb the Beekeeper.
Aly Spaltro takes to a new level a likeable Maurice Sendak aesthetic somewhat common to "indie-rocker scene" — suspenders, knickers, face-paint whiskers, and a quasi-shy attitude. But musically it is as if she seeks to contradict this childish image with insightful songs that share a world vision with the likes of Kimya Dawson. From a narrative standpoint, she seems to encapsulate something nostalgic about young love; she forces us to miss our summer-love melodramas of yesteryear. We — the audience — are easily sold on this mix of visions from our childhood storybooks and remembrances of love when it actually hurt.

It's a simple arrangement. You have the small-framed, cute-faced girl on guitar and vocals, and an eyes-closed, tossed-hair chap keeping the beat on an undersized drum kit. While watching, it's hard to comprehend that so much cuteness has been fit into such a small space. But cuteness and witty lyrics can only go so far. I was left wanting a little more from the set. Surely there is talent there to be expanded upon. Simplicity in the indie-rock genre always risks becoming passé. I think for us all to grow with Lady Lamb, the act will have to eventually move on from that whole beauty-in-simplicity angle and try out bigger and more daring ideas.
What are the odds?, Portland Music News: June 26, 2009, Ain't life Grand, More
- What are the odds?
Ten years! When we organized our first Best Music Poll, way back in the day, we could only hope that it would one day wind up the institution it is today, with the annual Portland Music Awards ceremony drawing the best collection of musical talent Maine can produce.
- Portland Music News: June 26, 2009
The "Sibilance" staff sat in on DAVE GUTTER's new project, with EVAN CASAS, being mastered by ADAM AYAN at Gateway. The record's called The Key to Adore and is more organic and subdued than what you've heard from Gutter before. Watch out for his cover of "The Man Comes Around." Look for the disc by end of summer.
- Ain't life Grand
Bands come and go. Especially local ones. The money's not great, personalities clash, young and single people tend to move around a lot. Kyle Gervais with Cosades had a band a lot of us in Portland will remember for a long time, but they broke up last year for the reasons that bands break up.
- Music Seen: Roots and Tendrils
Belfast as a destination just got more desirable with the addition of Roots and Tendrils. Nestled downtown, the light from the plate-glass windows and lush landscaped front lawn complete with brilliant colored chairs and lawn sculptures invite anyone heading down to the stone's-throw-away waterfront to peer inside.
- Anna's Ghost haunts the Empire
Maybe it's a blip on the radar screen, but there seems to be a renewed interest in the music video lately. TWISTED ROOTS have been garnering attention for their "Hollow Earth" effort and we're big fans of the bare-chested LEFTOVERS that splash through "Telephone Operator."
- Put your skirt on
Portland's aggressive new frontgal can hit all the notes while she hits you in the face.
- And then some...
Aside from the second season of Mad Men , Barack Obama, and Puppycam, I think we can all agree that it was a pretty mediocre year in national pop culture.
- Hearts of gold
Pete Kilpatrick’s burgeoning career is a microcosm of the near-chaos that is the current state of the music industry.
- Live: Lady Lamb the Beekeeper
The first hints of bouncy reverb can be heard from the Stadium on Free Street, and the echo chamber carries all the way to this monthly concert's home at the top of a building at the corner of Congress and High streets.
- Music Seen: Rosetta and Cryptic Overcast
Local stalwarts Cryptic Overcast have carved out a niche for themselves as an almost-instrumental band with a sound as informed by heavy metal as it is by psychedelic and progressive rock.
- Music seen: Wilco
My first car was a big green Buick LeSabre, and my only options then for music were Extendo-Ride, who were awesome, and a mix tape my older sister had made, full of Wilco songs off Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
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New England Music News
, Kimya Dawson, Maurice Sendak, Empire, More
, Kimya Dawson, Maurice Sendak, Empire, Empire, Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, music seen, Less