Accepted knowledge (i.e., Pitchfork) dictates that the "summer of chillwave" was actually last summer. Well, shit. We hardly had a chance to get in on that chill before the far more literal one set in. If this sound is indeed indie rock's equivalent to white shoes after Labor Day, then it stands to reason that the brink of the spring season has a whole second wave of gauzy, gazy, beachy, dream-wavy blurpop in store. Below, please find a few promising sprouts from the spring crop.VACATION DAD, "HEMP SCENTED BODY LOTION" | Contrary to popular belief, one needn't be anywhere near a Southern clime or a beach to conjure the sun-faded æsthetic of chillwave. Wisconsin's Andy Todryk can regularly be found behind the drum kit of his formidable Farms, but on his own as Vacation Dad, he carves cozy caverns of noise, reverb, disembodied vocals, and trippy synth trails.
PREGNANT, "FOR SOMETIMES" | There's a lot going on in the basements of Sacramento. There's the ambient sprawls of Woman Year, the jumpy eclectronica of Meadow Blaster, and my current fave: Pregnant. Daniel Trudeau cuts right through glo-fi's chronic detachment with his voice — a disarming, tremulous, humanizing croon that makes "For Sometimes" unshakably catchy. You can grab his full Liquidation on Swans debut gratis
WET HAIR, "CRUCIFIX IN THE WAVES" | The team of Iowa City's Shawn Reed and Ryan Garbes represent a curious divergence from the typical chillwave MO. Their blend of fuzzy drones, minimalist rhythms, and cassette hiss falls in nicely with chillwave expectations, but their toothy Wurlitzer and fume-filled avant-garage sensibility provide a surly grit that I've yet to hear so well-tempered anywhere else.
GOLDEN AGES, "RIGHT SEASON" | The other day, the mysterious Philly figure known only as Golden Ages tweeted a caveat to eager bloggers: "i am not a surfer/i don't live on a beach." Noted. For those more inclined toward the gazier side of the chillwave sound, Golden Ages are your new A Sunny Day in Glasgow: shimmering synths pour down like sunlight, melodies bloom and fade, and somewhere down below it all throbs a block-rocking beat. Get a chunk of free GA goodness at
Grrrrab bag, Review: Point Blank, Spring clearance, More
- Grrrrab bag
Bear is the new wolf
- Review: Point Blank
Samuel (Gilles Lellouche), a student nurse, gets sucked into a quagmire of murder and corruption when a thug kidnaps his pregnant wife, Nadia (Elena Anaya), to blackmail him into springing Hugo (Roschdy Zem), a wounded prisoner held by the police at the hospital where he works.
- Spring clearance
I've seen the best music snobs of my generation destroyed by downloading — instead of savoring full albums the way one might enjoy a vintage claret, they're slamming down random shots of bands with stupid names, passing out, and blanking on what they heard the night before.
- Photos: Yeasayer and Sleigh Bells
Photos of Yeasayer and Sleigh Bells on tour.
- The future is now
Even with all the promise of the new year ahead, it's hard not to feel a little stiffed in the Future of Mankind department. Here it is, 2010, and there's nary a flying car to be seen.
- Boo-ya!
Maybe it’s because dressing up as the economy would be kind of lame, but I’m haven’t heard Jack O’Shit in the way of truly scary costume ideas this year.
- Spring fever
As action-packed as the holidays are, they can be a real dead zone when it comes to decent shows.
- Off the record?
Pity the album. After a half-century of embarrassingly public body issues, our essential rock unit has not entered the new millennium looking very healthy. EPs are way more in vogue, MP3s have intangibility on their side, and 12-inches just sound impressive.
- Review: Fennesz - Black Sea
In the music of Christian Fennesz, there's a fine line between what's being done for you as a listener and what's being done to you.
- J.P. to the rescue!
This Tuesday, June 24, the musical mayor of JP, Rick Berlin, hosts a benefit for the victims of the earthquake in China.
- 5 for '10
I love baby bands, and I hope the ones I mention here don't mind my calling them that.
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Music Features
, pregnant, pregnant, Neon Indian