Enough, already: instead of goading us with bits and pieces of the doom-and-gloom picture, some documentarian should come up with a unified theory of why we’re all screwed. Meanwhile, Irina Salina’s exposé hits us close to home — right at the water tap. Who knew that our drinking water was tainted with rocket fuel, or that between 500,000 and seven million people in this country suffer from water-borne diseases every year? And not only is the water polluted, but it’s running out, so savvy multi-national corporations like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé, with the collusion of the IMF, are buying up the world’s supply so they can make a killing. A slickly made flurry of talking heads and talking points, Flow can be as wishy-washy and dispersed as the title, percolating from the US to the Ganges to Lesotho, the argument not as important as the surging montage and the Philip Glass–like soundtrack. It ends with images of the people marching and a Web site, but somehow I suspect that’s not going to be enough. 84 minutes | Kendall Square