The fine art of the jizz joke probably peaked with There's Something About Mary, but that doesn't stop Jay Chandresekhar from beating it to death in this gross-out comedy. Tommy, played by third-tier Steve Carell–type Paul Schneider, is the butt of most of the humor; he spends the first half of the film trying to fill a cup to get a sperm count on the insistence of his child-craving wife, Audrey (Olivia Munn). For the second half of the film, for vaguely related and increasingly inane reasons, Tommy and his boorish pals — only one of whom, an Indian gangster played by Chandresekhar, is actually funny — try to rob a sperm bank, thus expanding the film's range of semen gags. A fat man slipping on a floor slicked with come! How funny is that? With one of the screenwriters named Gerry Swallow, you wonder if they're putting us on. Or sending a desperate message: along with The Watch, this is the second yuk-fest in a week in which the protagonist is sterile. Not to mention the filmmakers' imagination.