Could be verse: poetry ripped from the headlines
By JAMES PARKER | August 23, 2007
Lines upon reading that Britney Spears may recently have spent the night with the heavy-metal illusionist Criss “Mindfreak” Angel
Hold tight, my dear. Tonight we climb in frying beams of light
And hang like magic dolls over Caesars Palace.
You — troubled starlet, bitten by the hounds of fame.
I — supernatural phallus.
Get into it, girl. Get pissed.
Call me names. “Spoon-bender! Escapologist!”
Erotically, I am your wildest wish.
Great orgasms throb toward us in the dark, like jellyfish.
Remix revolutions, Britney Spears, Crossword: ''Court case'', More
- Remix revolutions
For decades now, remixes have been a tool to get pop songs into dance clubs.
- Britney Spears
Spears’s fifth studio album is a witchy electro-pop wonder as suspect as those prescription pills photographed in her purse a few weeks ago.
- Crossword: ''Court case''
Time to mix and match
- Crossword: ''Verse for wear''
Hey, at least it fits
- Review: GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra
In the hands of director Stephen Sommers, who did better with the Mummy series, Joe looks like a cheap video game brightened by good actors.
- The Big Hurt: Britney vs. bulls#!t
At the end of a grim year and a disappointing decade, the music press has become a particularly peaty slog.
- Maine pop star bids to get FedExed
Back in the late ’90s, Bangor native Howie Day was a hard-working, constantly touring local singer-songwriter armed with little more than a guitar and a four-track.
- Can Britney rise again?
The first movie star was a woman named Florence Lawrence.
- Crossword: ''Together at last''
25, meet 26.
- The big hurt: Hello, goodbye
I should probably explain that this is not the same David Thorpe who recently resigned from a different local newspaper where he wrote a beloved weekly column very, very much like this one.
- Grandma's Boy
Another warm turd from Adam Sandler’s production company, this stoner vehicle directed by Nicholaus Goosen follows Alex (co-producer/screenwriter Allen Covert) as the 35-year-old video-game tester gets evicted and ends up living with his sweet Grandma Lilly (Doris Roberts) and her two friends (Shirley Jones and Shirley Knight).
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