Could be verse: poetry ripped from the headlines
By JAMES PARKER | July 25, 2007
Lines upon learning that George W. Bush, before undergoing anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy on July 21, temporarily handed over his presidential powers to Dick Cheney
Misery stalked on stilts by Coolidge Corner,
And every traffic light in town had a stroke.
The sky was aghast — a 42-cloud pile-up.
Ducks in their ponds rolled over. Stiff legs. No joke.
On Boylston, a baby leaped cursing from his stroller;
Windows popped their panes; plugholes shot steam;
At the hairdresser, scissors rose against their users . . .
Then President Bush woke up. And it was all a dream!
The GOP lurches rightward, Political cartoons, Despot for attention, More
- The GOP lurches rightward
Did the Republican presidential candidates see something in the 2006 midterm elections that everyone else missed?
- Political cartoons
Among its hordes of firsts, The Simpsons helped transplant politicians from the cartoon funny pages to our television sets.
- Despot for attention
Former vice-president Dick Cheney has taken his torture tour all over the place in the past few weeks, waging an ongoing campaign to defend what the Bush administration called "enhanced interrogation."
- Wish list
[1] An MBTA Red Line station without a broken escalator. [2] Someone in the White House who at least pretends we’re still looking for Osama.
- Fascism in the eye of the beholder
You claim that Dick Cheney was George W. Bush’s number-one thug. But I would argue that Bush was Cheney ’s thug.
- The nanny state
Assaults on liberty promoted by right-wing authoritarians, such as President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney, may be difficult to combat, but they are easy to recognize.
- Good Stuff
News and exposés about the Iraq war have been draining us mosquito-style over the years.
- Schmucks unlimited
It’s April, supposedly the cruelest month, but after a winter that seemed like 150 days of March, how bad can it be?
- Rove’s footprints
“Turd Blossom.” That’s what President Bush affectionately calls Karl Rove, his top political aide. It’s an apt nickname, especially these days.
- Goodbye, cruel America
Toward the end of 2006, we woke up to the glad news that Chile’s former strongman Augusto Pinochet had saved everyone the trouble of hanging his sickly carcass for war crimes and atrocities by dying of a heart attack.
- Cheney's latest crime
As if there were any doubt, the latest CIA scandal once again reminds the nation that whatever former vice-president Dick Cheney touched turned to slime.
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, Politics, U.S. Politics, George W. Bush, More
, Politics, U.S. Politics, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Presidential Powers, Less