. . . to evaluate the quality of various college parties (and assign a grade accordingly)

Not pictured: Free bar, flashing lights, cage dancers. |
MITParties attended: frat party
I had to wait outside on the packed steps with people yelling, "I know so-and-so" and "Oh, come on, I brought five girls." Trying to get into this party was like trying to get onto the last helicopter out of Saigon. And once I was inside, I had to sign in, hand over my ID to verify I was 21, and let them confiscate my camera, no joke. After that, there were two more "security" people to get past before I even hit the party. If astrophysics doesn't work out for this crowd, I'm sure Logan would love to have them. Once I finally got inside, it was set up like the poshest club I'd ever seen. There was a free bar (YES), flashing lights, a DJ, actual cages with people dancing in them — the works, basically. I wish I had a picture.
Grade: B+