Summer cocktails
 Agua de Tamarindo at Lone Star |
Nothing on the back bar knows how to hold its own in the heat like tequila. Instead of bombing it back in a series of shots, try letting it hang around for a while. This might get weird, but the AGUA DE TAMARINDO ($10) at Lone Star Taco is kind of how we would imagine spending a lazy afternoon with smokeshow Javier Bardem. Feel free to switch him out for Penelope Cruz if that's more your style. Smooth (that would be the Anejo tequila), sultry (smoky, sweet tamarind), and intuitive (combo of orange and lime), he's completely at ease in his surroundings. Why would you ever want to rush that? This drink understands what you yearn for before you think it. The ultimate in sexy.
LONE STAR TACO | 477 Cambridge St, Allston | 617.782.8226