Virgil, Ted Williams, Courtney Love, Bruce Springsteen, and other ideas for the giving season
By PHOENIX STAFF | January 28, 2010
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Pants afire, Touched by grace, It’s all true, More
- Pants afire
The ratio of falsehood to truth in the universe has not, of course, altered one jot since the world began.
- Touched by grace
This, around November, when New England’s bones start to show — and I realized my heart was beating faster. The story had quickened my pulse.
- It’s all true
Here’s a selection of non-fiction books that the Phoenix liked this year, in alphabetical order by author.
- War, peace, and Robert Pinsky
Every few years, a fall publishing season emerges that should remind us that Boston could be the literary epicenter of America.
- Doodle bugs
Every teen mag worth its weight in heartthrobs can tell you what your notebook doodlings reveal about your personality.
- Year in Books: Word plays
Here, listed alphabetically by author, are 10 of the best works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry that the Phoenix wrote about in 2008.
- Nirvana revisited
True’s book coincides with a bit of Nirvana’s Phoenix lore, and this week we’re publishing an excerpt from the book alongside several related articles from our archives.
- Bookie joint
Vendela Vida drank reindeer blood in the living room of a Sami healer on her third trip to Lapland.
- Something to talk about
Is it possible to rate the “single best work of American fiction published in the last 25 years?”
- Jersey state of mind
Richard Ford created Frank Bascombe in The Sportswriter (1986), returned to him in Independence Day (1995), for which he won a Pulitzer Prize and a PEN/Faulkner Award, and has now come back to him for what he says is the last time in The Lay of the Land. Listen to audio excerpt of The Lay of the Land
- War zones
The party’s over. Time for the lessons to begin.
- Less

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