Then, with a large loft bed structure in the space, Kim Johnson was alone, wheeling and tumbling under a dazzle of starburst projections that were activated by pulsing synthesizer music. As if in a dream she climbed to the top of the bed, where another woman, her alter-ego (Shura Baryshnikov), was asleep. In a wonderful exchange, Struckholz blew Baryshnikov over the edge of the bed and Baryshnikov pulled her down the ladder.
Dressed identically, they whispered together, shadowed each other. Then, in spite of her partner, Baryshnikov changed into a blouse and skirt. Like something newly hatched, she tested the space around her until, at the end, she was standing on the bed, reaching for the stars, as all five of the others watched her from the floor.
Kidd Pivot's Dark Matters at Jacob's Pillow, Jane Comfort and Sharon Eyal at Jacob's Pillow, Dawn Kramer's 'Body of Water', More
- Kidd Pivot's Dark Matters at Jacob's Pillow
The two-act drama, performed last week at Jacob's Pillow, blends the conventions of Japanese puppetry and Kabuki, movie animation, shadowplay, and contemporary dance into a spectacle of porous identities.
- Jane Comfort and Sharon Eyal at Jacob's Pillow
The dramaturgy behind Jane Comfort's gimlet-eyed pageant in Beauty, on delicious display at Jacob's Pillow Doris Duke Theatre this past week, is spot-on.
- Dawn Kramer's 'Body of Water'
Dawn Kramer's dance-and-video concert, "Body of Water," last weekend at Mass College of Art, ended with haiku projected on the walls of the performance space. It was almost too much.
- West Side Story does it all
The touring production now at the Colonial Theater (through July 9) suits a modern audience without extinguishing the show's greatest assets.
- The Floordlords celebrate 30 years
B-boys — b-girls had scant presence on this program — have gone commercial, but today's freestyle breaking technique builds on moves cut three decades ago (although a grainy Floordlords video indicates that the current generation has discarded stirrup pants for profanity-laced t-shirts).
- Boston Ballet's Elo Experience
Moon landing
- Beijing Dance/LDTX fight the good fight
Life is a struggle, according to the four works on Friday's program by Beijing Dance/LDTX (presented by the Celebrity Series at the Tsai Performance Center).
- Boston Ballet’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
George Balanchine didn’t create a slew of full-length ballets, but it’s easy to see why a setting of Shakespeare’s ever-popular A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of them — and not just because, back home in St. Petersburg, when he was eight, he played a bug in a theater production of the Bard’s moonbeam-muddled comedy.
- The meaning of 'THE'
William Forsythe's 1991 ballet The Second Detail begins with 13 dancers in ice-blue leotards and tights, facing away from the audience.
- Boston Ballet's 'Balanchine/Robbins,' plus a soupçon of tap
Boston Ballet is ending the season with four prime examples of ballet choreography, displaying not only the rigors of classical technique but the different kinds of images technique can be crafted to evoke.
- Boston Ballet's 'Bella Figura'
"Bella figura" in Italian is more than a phrase — it's a philosophy. It makes life beautiful. "Bella Figura" as the title of Boston Ballet's latest program is an invitation to find beauty in three disparate choreographic styles — one of them incorporating topless women (as well as men).
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