Nora's offense here isn't forgery but embezzlement from the hedge fund headed by her daddy. She did that — with the help of his accountant, who "took the bullet" and has just been released from jail — in order to finance a rest cure in Italy for husband Evan, who had suffered a heart attack. Now her "partner in crime" threatens to spill the beans if Evan, who has just been tapped as CEO of a very large bank, does not give him a job. Rebeck manages to shoehorn in most of Ibsen's action, even Nora's tarantella, along with commentary on class differences and great hunks of contemporary psychobabble. But her play is a soap opera, whereas Ibsen's plays, even when melodramatic, are inexorable.
This does not stop New Rep from fielding a quality production helmed by Bridget Kathleen O'Leary on a snow-trimmed McMansion set by Kathryn Kawecki. The acting is mostly sound, with Sarah Newhouse a more chicly manipulative than infantilized Nora and Gabriel Kuttner eerily calm as the embittered blackmailer. The toughest assignment falls to Will Lyman, who imparts a fervent, flirtatious charm to Nora's controlling sugar daddy of a spouse. Even when he's pushing her out of the lifeboat, you can see why she got in.
Making magic, NSMT goes begging, Review: The Seagull, The Corn Is Green, More
- Making magic
Ever since the Greeks learned to keep their masks on straight and not bump into the statuary, theaters and theatergoers have been learning more and more about how the magic works.
- NSMT goes begging
Theater in the Red
- Review: The Seagull, The Corn Is Green
The Seagull begins with a theatrical experiment — a brief symbolist drama dreamed by young Konstantin Treplev, who's struggling toward artistic expression while endeavoring to showcase his girlfriend and impress his actress mother.
- Review: La Voce's Most Massive Woman Wins
As issue theater goes, The Most Massive Woman Wins isn't strident, just relentless.
- Bread and Puppet Theater returns
The Bread and Puppet Theater's Sourdough Philosophy Spectacle & Circus returns.
- Review: Dollhouse
Joss Whedon continues to fight the darkness
- Interview: Joss Whedon
When I first reach Joss Whedon — the director, writer, and producer who is perhaps best known as the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer — at his office at Fox Studios in Los Angeles, it's about 9 am his time, and it sounds as if I'd caught him before his coffee had kicked in.
- Super-curious
A conversation with a Nobel-winning polymath: QED
- Play by Play: March 13, 2009
A compilation of theater productions in and around Boston
- We gladly accept
I wanted to point out something to both the editorial staff and theater critic Carolyn Clay regarding her review of A Bronx Tale , starring Chazz Palminteri.
- Sensations
Unlike its predecessor, the over-hyped Rent , Spring Awakening is the genuine item: a Tony-winning amalgam of theater and pop music that smells like teen fusion.
- Less

, Theater, review, Dollhouse, More
, Theater, review, Dollhouse, Prometheus Bound, Less