Two epic brawlers close out the winter season. GOD OF WAR III (PlayStation 3) brings us the continuing adventures of Kratos, an even angrier Spartan than the guy in 300. When we left Kratos, he was climbing Mount Olympus in a bid to destroy the gods. God of War III will tell us what happens next, with sterling high-definition graphics, on March 31.
Also in March, the third entry in the lesser-known but equally exciting Yakuza series will make its once dubious American debut. When Kazuma Kiryu, the yakuza enforcer with fists of lead and a heart of gold, returns in YAKUZA 3 (PlayStation 3), he's running an orphanage on Okinawa — no, really — but he still finds himself having to bust some skulls and save the day. Don't worry about Kazuma — Yakuza 4 is already out in Japan.
Review: Left 4 Dead 2, Review: New Super Mario Bros. Wii, 2009: Year in video games, More
- Review: Left 4 Dead 2
When Valve announced a full-priced sequel to Left 4 Dead only one year after the original, 40,000 frustrated gamers joined an on-line boycott. The boycotters had a point, but they'll miss out if they stand on principle.
- Review: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
The staggering commercial success the folks at Nintendo have achieved in recent years has made it easy to overlook their more unfortunate habits.
- 2009: Year in video games
At the end of each year, there's the temptation to identify a common theme among the games that were released.
- Review: The Saboteur
When Pandemic Studios was shuttered on November 17, it seemed less another casualty of the economy than a mercy killing.
- Greatest video-game tragedies of the last decade
Here are some of our favorite anti-victories of the past 10 years, in rough chronological order.
- Review: Army of Two: The 40th Day
When I reviewed the original Army of Two , I found myself in the unfamiliar position of being the guy who liked something everybody else hated (as opposed the guy who hated something everybody else liked).
- Review: Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed II is a macabre Italian getaway
- Review: Bayonetta
Here's the thing about Bayonetta : you have to take all of it, not just part.
- Review: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
You're standing in an elevator with men wearing bulletproof vests and wielding machine guns. "No Russian," the leader reminds you, as the doors open to reveal a line of persons waiting at the airport security gate.
- Photos: Possible kill screen
Video Games Live at the Wang Theater, November 21, 2008
- Interview: Christopher Monks
Ever feel you should earn points for remembering to get up in the morning?
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, Technology, Sam Fisher, Games, More
, Technology, Sam Fisher, Games, Hobbies and Pastimes, Video Games, Video Games, Travis Touchdown, Kazuma Kiryu, BioShock 2, Bayonetta, Less