's 20 most popular stories of the year
By PHOENIX STAFF | December 29, 2006
.jpg) | 1.The 100 unsexiest men in the world: Who would Scarlett least like to be with? By Bill Jensen and Ryan Stewart. |
.jpg) | 2.32 worst lyrics of all time: The votes are in, Ms. Lavigne. By Bill Jensen and Ryan Stewart. |
.jpg) | 3.Sex (circa 2006): Oral is the new second base, the "mostly" girls keep on kissing girls, and the Bro Job has arrived (but is still not ready for its close-up). By Camille Dodero. |
.jpg) | 4.Ten classic season finales: Cliffhangers, attempted murders, and obscene amounts of money. By Ryan Stewart. |
.jpg) | 5.The 20 greatest bosses in video game history: In honor of National Boss Day, presents the ultimate kingpins. By Ryan Stewart and Mitch Krpata. |
.jpg) | 6.Sweet Information! John Hodgman holds forth on eels, mole men, and Macs. By Mike Miliard. |
.jpg) | 7.Quiet warfare: Few have been paying attention to that other ongoing terrorist threat. By Jenniger L. Pozner. |
.gif) | 8.Does your life suck? In the MySpace-meets-Matrix online world of Second Life, everyone is sexy, real money flows, and pixels are the only limitation. By Camille Dodero. |
 | 9.Code yellow: Peeps star in porn, snuff films. By Mike Miliard. |
.JPG) | 10.Life, love, and sneakers: The culture of high-end kicks is about to blow up in Boston. How many pairs do you have? By Camille Dodero. |
.gif) | 11.Attack of the 50-foot Oprah. Why America's most powerful celebrity should be more feared than loved. By Mark Jurkowitz. |
 | 12.The naked sorority: Never mind its tough-girl alt-porn feminism: SuicideGirls has already moved on to a new generation. By Camille Dodero. |
 | 13.They have MySpace in heaven, right? Inevitably, the social netowrking site has become a virtual graveyard. By Camille Dodero. |
.jpg) | 14.Where is the hate? The slow death of Kennedy loathing. By Adam Reilly. |
 | 15.Apocalypse now and then: Doom, damnation, and other summer fun. By Peter Keough. |
 | 16.The rise of Reggaeton: From Daddy Yankee to Tego Calderón, and beyond. By Wayne Marshall. |
 | 17.More than words: Gary Cherone's Extreme viewpoint. By Kay Hanley. |
.jpg) | 18.The 100 worst lyrics of all time: It's in your hands, America. By Bill Jensen and Ryan Stewart. |
 | 19.World of pain: The space between free speech and respect in the ultimate culture war. Editorial. |
.jpg) | 20.The new Web geniuses: How slackers with one dopey idea are getting rich. By Mike Miliard. |
Lifestyle Features
, Daddy Yankee, Entertainment, Gary Cherone, More
, Daddy Yankee, Entertainment, Gary Cherone, Internet, John Hodgman, Music, Reggaeton, Science and Technology, Social Software and Tagging, Technology, Less