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Editors' Picks

29th Annual Narragansett Art Festival
Play it smart when approaching the Narragansett Art Festival today. Thanks to the quality of the work and the location of the event, it’s a tres popular affair. Meaning don’t take your car into the thick of things at Veterans Memorial Park (near the Towers) on Ocean Road (Route 1A, Narragansett) — get out and amble around to absorb the sea breezes. Watercolors, oils, photography, sculpture — the Fest’s work comes in a variety of media and the artistic POVs are just as numerous. Net proceeds go to the Narragansett Rotary Club’s four-year scholarship and two-year vocational scholarship programs for South Kingstown, Narragansett, and Prout High School students. The show is open on Saturday and today from 9 am to 5 pm |
More than 100 artists exhibit work in oils and acrylics, watercolors and pastels, drawings and graphics, photography, sculpture, and three-dimensional media