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Editors' Picks
Boston Early Music Festival
If it’s true that Boston is an internationally recognized center for historically informed “early music” study and performance, then much of that reputation is owed to the Boston Early Music Festival. The BEMF, founded in 1980, is now a year-round operation, but its biennial festival and conference is the major international draw. This year’s centerpiece opera, Agostino Steffani’s Niobe, Regina di Tebe, kicks off the BEMF (which runs through June 19). But there are scads of other performances and events listed at the BEMF’s site.
Agostino Steffani's Niobe, Regina di Tebe, with Amanda Forsythe [Niobe], Philippe Jaroussky [Anfione], Yulia Van Doren [Manto], Charles Robert Stephens [Tiresia], Kevin D. Skelton [Clearte], Matthew White [Creonte], Jesse Blumberg [Poliferno], Colin Balzer [Tiberino], and Jose Lemos [Nerea]
boston early music festival